Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Symbols with keyboard

Hey frndsss when i was surfing i find this all symbol's code ....

so by this code u can make ur nick name stylish as u wish ...

Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALT+0128 € ALT+0129 ALT+0130

ALT+0131 ƒ ALT+0132 „ ALT+0133 …

ALT+0134 † ALT+0135 ‡ ALT+0136 ˆ
ALT+0137 ‰ ALT+0138 Š ALT+0139 ‹
ALT+0140 Œ ALT+0141
ALT+0142 Ž
ALT+0144 ALT+0145 ‘
ALT+0146 ’ ALT+0147 “ ALT+0148 ”
ALT+0149 • ALT+0150 – ALT+0151 —
ALT+0152 ˜ ALT+0153 ™ ALT+0154 š
ALT+0155 › ALT+0156 œ ALT+0157

ALT+0158 ž ALT+0159 Ÿ ALT+0160
ALT+0161 ¡ ALT+0162 ¢ ALT+0163 £
ALT+0164 ¤ ALT+0165 ¥ ALT+0166 ¦
ALT+0167 § ALT+0168 ¨ ALT+0169 ©
ALT+0170 ª ALT+0171 « ALT+0172 ¬
ALT+0173 ¬ ALT+0174 ® ALT+0175 ¯
ALT+0176 ° ALT+0177 ± ALT+0178 ²
ALT+0179 ³ ALT+0180 ´ ALT+0181 µ
ALT+0182 ¶ ALT+0183 • ALT+0184 ¸
ALT+0185 ¹ ALT+0186 º ALT+0187 »
ALT+0188 ¼ ALT+0189 ½ ALT+0190 ¾
ALT+0191 ¿ ALT+0192 À ALT+0193 Á
ALT+0194 Â ALT+0195 Ã ALT+0196 Ä
ALT+0197 Å ALT+0198 Æ ALT+0199 Ç
ALT+0200 È ALT+0201 É ALT+0202 Ê
ALT+0203 Ë ALT+0204 Ì ALT+0205 Í
ALT+0206 Î ALT+0207 Ï ALT+0208 Ð
ALT+0209 Ñ ALT+0210 Ò ALT+0211 Ó
ALT+0212 Ô ALT+0213 Õ ALT+0214 Ö
ALT+0215 × ALT+0216 Ø ALT+0217 Ù
ALT+0218 Ú ALT+0219 Û ALT+0220 Ü
ALT+0221 Ý ALT+0222 Þ ALT+0223 ß
ALT+0224 à ALT+0225 á ALT+0226 â
ALT+0227 ã ALT+0228 ä ALT+0229 å
ALT+0230 æ ALT+0231 e ALT+0232 è
ALT+0233 é ALT+0234 ê ALT+0235 δ
ALT+0236 ì ALT+0237 í ALT+0238 î
ALT+0239 ï ALT+0240 ð ALT+0241 ñ
ALT+0242 ò ALT+0243 ó ALT+0244 ô
ALT+0245 õ ALT+0246 ö ALT+0247 ÷
ALT+0248 ø ALT+0249 ù ALT+0250 ú
ALT+0251 û ALT+0252 ü ALT+0253 ý
ALT+0254 þ ALT+0255 ÿ

Connect Google Talk With Yahoo! or Windows Live Messenger

Yahoo! Messenger and MSN (Windows Live) Messenger users can chat with each other easily without changing clients. Similarly, Google is working with AOL to allow users of Google Talk connect with their AIM buddies. 

Now consider a completely different scenario - how do Google Talk users talk to their friends who are using Windows Live or Yahoo! Messenger ? 

Here’s a a possible solution to make voice-over IP calls between Google Talk, MSN/Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger for free.

1. If you are on Google Talk and want to voice chat with someone on Yahoo!, add service@gtalk2voip.com as your Gtalk friend and then send the following message to your new buddy:

CALL xyz@yahoo.com [use your friends Yahoo! ID instead of xyz]

2. If you are on Yahoo! Messenger and want to connect with a Google Talk user, add gtalk2voip@yahoo.com to your Yahoo! buddy list and send the following message:

CALL xyz@gmail.com [use your friends Google Talk ID instead of xyz]

There are rumors that a new version of Windows Live Version is in the works that will connect to Google Talk and AOL Messenger but this is likely to support only text chat, not voice calls.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Access MSOffice 2007 docs with MSOffice 2003

Generally whenever we create Documents in MSOffice 2007,we are unable to open those files with MSOffice 2003 and earlier versions...

Here is the solution for that problem...

Your client just emailed a Microsoft Word 2007 document ending with a .docx extension but you have no clue about how to open and print the file or convert from docx to .doc and other text formats.

You can convert .docx to .doc or extract text from .docx files online using the free Zamzar.com or docxtodoc.com service. Unlike the Microsoft compatibility pack, these docx to doc conversion services do not require copy of Microsoft Office.

It is also possible to open and edit a .docx file in OpenOffice or StarOffice using the free Open XML Translator from SourceForge which converts .docx Word documents to .odf and vice versa.

                                                    OR ELSE

You need no hacks to read those Word 2007 files (docx) files without Office 2007.

Just mail all the Office 2007 document(s) to your own Gmail account and click the View as HTML link near the email attachment to convert those files into text / HTML format that can be viewed in the web browser itself.

This easy conversion method retains the document formatting (no images though) and works with docx, pptx and xlsx Open XML formats

How to shutdown PC with a timer


Do you know that you can make your PC shutdown at a time u wish to?
Here is the trick!!
How To Make A Shutdown Timer!

Step 1:

Right click on your desktop and choose "New=>shortcuts".

Step 2:

In the box that says "Type the location of the shortcut",
type in "shutdown -s -t 3600" without the quotation marks and click next.

Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. So , 60secs*60mins=3600secs.

Step 3:

Make up a name for the shortcut and you're done.
You can change the icon by right clicking=>properities=>change icon=>browse.

To abort:

To make an abort key to stop the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and make
the "location of the shortcut" to " shutdown -a" without the quotes.


Here is another trick to shutdown at a specific time, for example you wish to shutdown at 11:35am. Type this in

Type Code: at 11:35 shutdown -s
to abort


shutdown -a

take note: all time are in 24hr, example u would like to shutdown at 8:30pm, you should type

"at 20:30 shutdown -s" without quote


you can use a batch for that as well it makes it easier to use
just run the batch and enter the time you want it to shutdown

Type Code:
@echo off
title Scheduled Shutdown Batch Example by chacha1234
color A
echo Enter Time To Shutdown (example 19:30)
set /p stime=
at %stime% ""shutdown -s -t 00"" >nul
echo Your PC Will Auto Shutdown At %stime%
echo Press Any Key To Exit
pause >nul

also you can add -c "desired message" at the end of the shutdown command
for example
shutdown -s -t 60 -c "Shutdown Pc"

using this command u can also schedule ur pc to restart
for example
shutdown -r -t 60 -c "Restarting Pc" 

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How to protect your PEN drive from VIRUS

Many of your PC/laptop's normally gets virus because of Pen Drives or USB devices (Even PC's who are not connected to network ). Some Virus like Ravmon Virus , Heap41a worm which are not detected by anti virus normally spreads mostly by the Pen Drives . In such a case what can you do to prevent your PC from getting infected with Virus that spreads through USB devices or Pen Drives ?

You can protect your PC by just following the simple steps below . It won't take much time.

  * Connect your Pen Drive or USB drive to your computer .
  * Now a dialogue window will popup asking you to choose among the options as shown in the figure.

  Don't choose any of them , Just simply click Cancel.  

  *Now go to Start--> Run and type cmd to open the Command Prompt window .  

 *Now go to My Computer and Check the Drive letter of your USB drive or Pen Drive . Drive letter will be letter next to Removal Disk name or your pen drive name

 *In the Command Window ( cmd ) , type the drive letter: and Hit Enter  

 *Now type dir/w/o/a/p and Hit Enter 

 *You will get a list of files . In the list , search if anyone of the following do exist  

 1. Autorun.inf  

 2. New Folder.exe  

 3. Bha.vbs  

 4. Iexplore.vbs  

 5. Info.exe  

 6. New_Folder.exe  

 7. Ravmon.exe  

 8. RVHost.exe

 9. Diskknight.exe or any other files with .exe Extension .  

 If you find any one of the files above , Run the command attrib -h -r -s -a *.* and Hit Enter.

Now Delete each File using the following Command del filename ( E.g del autorun.inf ) .

  That's it . Now just scan your USB drive with the anti virus you have to ensure that you made your Pen Drive free of Virus .

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blogs Of Bollywood Celebrities

Bollywood celebrities are no more away from the blogging world, blogs provides great medium to them for reaching their fans.

In this post I am posting the links to the blogs of famous bollywood celebrities.

If you know any celebrity blogs other than these, do post it in the comments.

Click on the links to check them out.










Friday, April 4, 2008

Here is the Most Awaited Jalsa Game..

Guyz n Gals..

Here is the Link for the Most Awaited " JALSA GAME ".
The Game is with 5 Types of Resolutions.

Password for WinZip file : innovativeminds.co.nr

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Rock ur Msg Here...

Here is an Awesome site which is really Rocking..

Type the Name or Msg you want to type and press "submit".

Send the message to your Beloved ones..I bet they would really feel Happy...
So, Guyz n Gals
Here is the Link..

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Send Emails in "Blood Letters"

This is a funny Online Tool to write as if you are writing letters with Blood and send it to your Loved ones..

May be this is one way to express your LOVE to your dear ones..

Anyways...All the Best My Dear Guyz n Gals..

Here is the Link..

The Million Dollar Website..

The Million Dollar Homepage is a website developed by Alex Tew, a 21-year-old student from Cricklade, Wiltshire, England to help raise money for his university education.
"Launched on August 26, 2005, the website is said to have generated a gross income of $1,037,100 USD and has a current Google PageRank of 7. The site's Alexa ranking as of January 31, 2007 is 9,669[1], having peaked at around 127."
The index page of the site consists of a 1000 x 1000 pixel grid (one million pixels), on which he sells image-based links for US $1 per pixel, in minimum ten by ten blocks.

A person who buys one or more of these pixelblocks can design a tiny image which will be displayed on them, and also decide a URL which he or she wants them to link to, as well as a slogan displayed when hovering the cursor over the link.

The aim of the site was to sell all of the pixels in the image, thus generating one million dollars of income for the creator, which seems to have been accomplished.

On January 1, 2006, the final 1,000 pixels left were put up for auction on eBay. The auction closed on January 11 with the winning bid of $38,100.00. This brought the final tally to $1,037,100 USD in gross income.
Here is the Link for million dollars website..

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How to Remove W32.USBWorm..!!!

Technical Details :

The name of this Virus is W32.USBWorm and it has Spread from USB/Pendrive.

Creates Folders in every folder and in every drive.

How to Remove W32.USBWorm

* Press Ctrl+Alt+Del.

* Go to Process tab

* Arrange Process name in Ascending Order by clicking on Image Name.

* Now look for services svchost.exe with User Name as System

* Right Click it and click End Process.

* Click Yes if asks for confirmation.

* You may receive one message saying System is shutting down in 60 second, save your all work.

* Here you need to open Start menu à Run and then type shutdown –a to terminate System Shutdown.

* Now go to C:/Heap41a and press Shift+Del to delete all file.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Reinstalling Microsoft Task Manager

To reinstall the Microsoft Task Manager:

NOTE: You must be logged on as Administrator or as a member of the Administrators group in order to perform this procedure

1.Click Start , click Run , and then type the following command:

NOTE : There are no spaces at all in the preceding command line.

2.Click OK to open the INF folder.

3.Locate the file mstask.inf

Right-click the file, and then click Install . This will reinstall the files that Search needs to proceed normally.

You will be asked to place your windows XP cd rom in the drive.

Note# I have only tried on XP Pro